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Not enough troops to “win” in Iraq?

Even Novak says so.

New Iraqi Army Refuses to Fight Iraqis

“It was the first time U.S. commanders had sought to involve the postwar Iraqi army in major combat operations, and the battalion’s refusal came as large parts of Iraqi security forces have stopped carrying out their duties.”

New Pulitzer Prize Winner Does It Again

Anthony Shadid, OU graduate, has an excellent article explaining the roots of the current uprisings in Iraq. This is a must-read.

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First Hand Account of Iraq Situation from “Contractor”

At this highly recommended DC blogger’s page.

Actual Text of Bush’s August 6th, 2001 Briefing

Bush is guilty of at the least gross negligence and lying to the American people in order to cover it up. Here is a pdf file. Below is a text version: “x’s” indicate White House blackouts:



White House has supposedly readied the redacted document for release any second now. We’ll see what happens…

Fallujah Dead Buried Under Soccer Field

DESPITE THE DIGGING NO WMDS WERE FOUND The US Marines are NOT allowing male refugees “of military age” to leave the city. This is a clear and massive violation of basic human rights of refugees in a war zone. Why is this happening? Are they preparing to declare all military age males trapped inside the […]

They Lied, They Lied, They Lied

It’s time to start compiling the statements made by Bushco that have been proven to have been false all along by the Aug. 6th, 2001 document. These range from the “no one could have possibly known that they would use airplanes as missiles” that Rice said repeatedly in 2001, to even statements that were made […]

“At last the American people are beginning to realise the truth about Bush.”

From The Mirror UK

Bush cancels Friday night dump as AP obtains memo leak

This bombshell comes along with the news that Bush has withdrawn indefinitely his promise to release a redacted version of the document on Thursday:

“White House officials, after indicating Thursday that the briefing document could be declassified within a day, announced yesterday that they were delaying any release until at least next week.” –Washington Post
