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Militias Murdering Iraqis in Hospitals

Washington Post–

BAGHDAD — In a city with few real refuges from sectarian violence — not government offices, not military bases, not even mosques — one place always emerged as a safe haven: hospitals.

So Mounthir Abbas Saud, whose right arm and jaw were ripped off when a car bomb exploded six months ago, must […]

Mahdi Army Executes Iraqi Soldiers in Town Square

New York Times– Civil War.

These are the guys who killed Casey Sheehan.

“The clashes reached a point when members of the militias executed soldiers after their ammunition ran out in one of the public squares in front of the residents,’’ General Ghanimi said. “This is true terrorism.’’

Sheik Abdul-Razaq al-Nidawi, described by The […]

Abu Ghraib is Empty

McClatchy Washington Bureau | 08/26/2006 | Abu Ghraib no longer houses any prisoners, Iraqi officials sayThe underlying story behind this is the deteriorating security situation. It’s untenable to operate a prison in this neighborhood at this point in the civil war.


Black Students Forced to Back of School Bus

George Allen would be proud. The Shreveport Times has more thorough coverage.

Iraqis Loot Base as British Flee

No, it’s not 1924. In fact, “nothing short of a miracle.”

4 US Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan, 3 in Iraq

What about the DNA? and when do we get CourtTV coverage?

Key investigator in Italian Kidnapping Case, Dead

Very disturbing story, this may be just the tip of an iceberg.

Number of IEDs in Iraq Nearly Doubles

Bombs Aimed at G.I.%u2019s in Iraq Are Increasing – New York Times

A separate, classified report by the Defense Intelligence Agency, dated Aug. 3, details worsening security conditions inside the country and describes how Iraq risks sliding toward civil war, according to several officials who have read the document or who have received a briefing […]

Number of IEDs in Iraq Nearly Doubles

Bombs Aimed at G.I.%u2019s in Iraq Are Increasing – New York Times

A separate, classified report by the Defense Intelligence Agency, dated Aug. 3, details worsening security conditions inside the country and describes how Iraq risks sliding toward civil war, according to several officials who have read the document or who have received a briefing […]

Number of IEDs in Iraq Nearly Doubles

Bombs Aimed at G.I.%u2019s in Iraq Are Increasing – New York Times

A separate, classified report by the Defense Intelligence Agency, dated Aug. 3, details worsening security conditions inside the country and describes how Iraq risks sliding toward civil war, according to several officials who have read the document or who have received a briefing […]