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Students Take Over Tucson School Board Meeting

The racist laws passed by the Arizona legislature are about to lead to outright bans in ethnic studies classes in Arizona’s high schools. These kids fought back.

Must See Cable TV?

I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but go to this link at a website I don’t like and just watch the video. Lawrence O’Donnell may well lose his job over this.

The Reality Effect

In the most recent poll I can find, 45% of Republicans say that the President was not born in the U.S., which would mean to most people that he’s not eligible for the Presidency. How much will this number now change, given that the President released the document demanded by the birthers?

Obama Releases Copy Of Old Birth Certificate

This will make almost no difference whatsoever to the fake controversy.Fox News wasted no time in attacking the authenticity of the document, which has been validated by several Hawaii officials.

Only 57% Of Americans Think Their President Was Not Born In US

According to this poll, 45% of Republicans think that he was not.

Syrian Forces Fire On Sleeping Protesters Occupying Square

Who were mourning after 25 were killed yesterday.


It is now official.

NISA also sent a report to the government watchdog Nuclear Safety Commission, saying that some fuel pellets and rods in the reactors in Units 1, 2 and 3 had become overheated and melted, the first time it had provided details of the damage to the fuel. Nishiyama, said the agency can […]

Radiation Measuring Worse at TEPCO Plant

There’s deadly radioactive water all over the plant.

Obama’s Budget Speech

What Ezra Klein says is fine with me for now. And Krugman too.

CIA Celebrates “Facebook” Operation

As well they should. CIA’s ‘Facebook’ Program Dramatically Cut Agency’s Costs