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Supreme Court Ruling Leaves Door Open for War Crimes Prosecutions

Good summary of the landmark decision.

VA Responsible For Massive Data Ripoff

It is not the result of just negligence by the worker. They gave him permission. Happy Independence Day, veterans, your own government has helped to ruin your life.

Death of a Soldier

This is a must-read, can someone tell me why this man died?

How to Respond to an Idiot

At least watch the first minute or so.

iPod workers make $50 a month

Here’s the lowdown on how iPods are made. Apple says they’ve “begun an investigation” of working conditions. I don’t expect to hear much about the result.

Army Lied About Soldier Abduction

USA TODAY also says they lied about casualties during the search itself.

The military had said that one other soldier was killed and 12 soldiers were wounded in the search effort. Monday’s statement, however, said no troops were killed in the search. It did not elaborate.

The Army said the three soldiers were left alone […]

Victory Is Just Around the Corner

The Iraq “Plan” Explained

I think this BBC article is the best analysis I’ve seen.

Apologies for being far behind on posts, the bad news has been overhwhelming and I simply took the weekend off from blogging.

Iraq is a horror of nonstop death

BBC article sums it up quite well.

We look up and he says, “car bomb, city centre, six dead, 20 injured”, or “nine more bodies found shot dead”. And we finish the sentence for him, “with wounds suggesting they’ve been tortured”.

I have been here for two weeks.

Hardly a day has gone by without […]

Iraq Plan Gives Amnesty to Insurgents

London Times – More clues as to why there was so much spontaneous enthusiasm for this idea among right-wing Senators last week.