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Coleman Rejects Election Official’s Ballot

Because it’s from a Democratic area. The official however told a newspaper she voted for Norm.

I don’t think the Minnesota Supreme Court is going to like this video example of Norm Coleman’s non-cooperation, either:

Oahu, Pres-Elect in the Dark

Apparently because of a storm. There was a time that Oahu was thought of as a dangerous place for a US President to visit, with mythical “saboteurs” and “spies” all around. Will the media be able to resist the temptation of bringing these stories back?


This is major news.

Former GOP Congressional Candidate Kills Himself To Prevent Rape Arrest

This rapist cop is now dead, after a long and very serious chase.

Franken Predicts 35-50 Vote Winning Margin Tomorrow

He did his own math so intricately that even the media got lost, not doing as much homework as the campaign did. Next (probably not until January 1st) they will count the 1,600 or so improperly rejected absentee ballots, as ordered by the Minnesota Supreme Court. The only thing that can save Coleman now is […]

Al-Zaidi’s “Apology” Coerced Under Torture

According to his brother he is still being tortured, he was last seen with cigarette burns on his ears.

“Lizard People” Ballot Tossed

Other than that, Franken is racking up votes at an impressive rate, you can watch the allocation of ballots here. Today and tomorrow the Minnesota State Canvassing Board is examining the ballots challenged by Norm Coleman. Virtually every single ballot so far has been revealed to be a clear vote for Franken by unanimous decision.


Chrysler Shuts Down All Plants

Until January 19th, the last full day of the Bush Presidency. When Obama takes the oath, will there still be a Chrysler?

About 15% of Franken’s Ballot Challenges Succeeding

His team’s estimate that he would win was based on a 0% succesful rate. This means that unless Coleman was more careful in challenging than Franken (every indication is that he was much more egregious), then Franken will win. You can actuallywatch the ballots being allocated one at a time.


This better not be true. Will the United States confirm or deny? Where is the journalist now? Iraqi television reports he is in Camp Cropper.

The Lebanese television channel NTV, known for its opposition to Washington, went as far as offering a job to the journalist.

In its evening news bulletin on Monday, it […]