Knight-Ridder has the details. The US military admitted yesterday that large parts of Anbar province are controlled by Sunni insurgents. The US has lost the war for control of Iraq, and so has their Green Zone-based Iraqi government.
Knight-Ridder has the details. The US military admitted yesterday that large parts of Anbar province are controlled by Sunni insurgents. The US has lost the war for control of Iraq, and so has their Green Zone-based Iraqi government. According to Dahr Jamail, who is in Iraq. According to CNN. LA Times– apparently there is also video footage from an aerial drone of the aftermath. It takes a high officer to order drone surveillance. Briones said he took pictures of at least 15 bodies before his camera batteries died. He said he then helped other Marines remove the bodies and place them in body bags. […] AP– 2 killed and one of CBS’ main Iraq reporters in critical condition in Baghdad. Rioting in the streets of Kabul against the Americans. UPDATE: The situation is far worse than reported in the US media. US troops then opened fire and killed at least four people, an AFP photographer at the scene said. He said two men were shot dead next to him, and two other bodies were found […] AP-“Who covered it up, why did they cover it up, why did they wait so long?” Murtha said on “This Week” on ABC. “We don’t know how far it goes. It goes right up the chain of command.” Murray Waas once gain with Pulitzer-level material, way ahead of everyone else. This adds to my hunch that John Ashcroft is going to end up snared in this for breaking the law. His role was similar to that of Ed Meese in Iran-Contra; covering up instead of investigating. LAY GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS – SKILLING GUILTY ON 19 OF 28 COUNTS Not 7, not 15, 24 Iraqi civilians were killed ‘in cold blood.’ |
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