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Romney Caption Contest Winner

Static wins for humor, while Jerry Francisco gets runner-up for reading Romney’s mind at the time the photo was taken. However I’d like to recommend the work of a professional, as well:

…Romney is just not up for the political posing and posturing the way Bush was, and if he’s suffering, it’s as much from […]

Fox News Superfan Attempts To Kill ‘Liberal’ Girlfriend

Hey, it’s just entertainment, dude, don’t take it seriously!

Court Restores Critical Three Days Of Early Voting In Ohio

That’s great news for this company!

Because after all, if somebody’s not doing the job, you gotta let ’em go!

Obama Responds To Clint Eastwood’s Speech

Made My Day

Thank you Clint Eastwood, for 50 years of entertainment. And for showing there is something you are even worse at than singing.

Caption This Photo

The mighty leader, Mitt Romney, just one day before his triumphant convention speech that will launch him into the Presidency (not).

BONUS: VIDEO of the completely not-awkward, not-staged, not-a-bad-idea event!

By the way, six of Romney’s 18 grandkids, including presumably some of those here, were the product of in vitro fertilization, which Ryan […]

Arpaio Case Will Go To Trial For False Arrest of Journalists

The 9th Circuit Court has ruled. Of course Arpaio, who is 80, could be dead or retired by the time the trial begins. highly recommends you read this article about Sheriff Arpaio.

“We’re Not Generating Enough Angry White Guys”

Actual quote from a sitting United States Senator. Of course he is completely correct; the jig is up.

“The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

Also, Ryan’s convention speech was a pack of lies, the […]


This is a major victory for democracy in this country, and a sign of things to come. Without this law, ruled as discriminatory by a Federal court, Texas is bound to become a Democrat-leaning state in the next 10 years.

Worker Attacked at GOP Convention Speaks

I’m surprised CNN let her say anything.

Carroll, 34, said that as an Alabama native, she was not surprised. “This is Florida, and I’m from the Deep South,” she said. “You come to places like this, you can count the black people on your hand. They see us doing things they don’t think I should […]