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Colbert Brings It

Here it is, folks. Part 1 and then Part 2. Download them and keep them.

Let the Eagle Soar

Unforgettable. Magnificent. Go here and download the QT movie (it’s long) and watch it. Somehow, the AP developed the guts to invite Stephen Colbert to speak at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. No one was spared (except Helen Thomas). Truly historic. Feel the silence. Feel the room glowering with hatred at this man. As Colbert […]


GOP Governor Started Phone Jamming Company

Associated Press says the moneyman for the phone-jamming company convicted in two cases (so far) of criminal election dirty tricks was Bush’s buddy, Mississippi Governor Hale Barbour.

Multiple Congressmen in Prostitution-Bribe Scandal

San Diego Union-Tribune, continuing their Pulitzer-prize winning series on the Duke Cunningham case. The #3 man at the CIA has now been implicated, and Goss may be next.

Photos Taken at GOP Prostitute Parties

Porter Goss may be one of the customers. This is getting really wild, really fast. We know Goss hates leaks, wonder how much he hates this one?

Ken Silverstein is quite good, he doesn’t throw charges around lightly.

Wounded Vets Charged for Battlefield Gear

Ruining their credit, says the GAO. This is national disgrace.

97% Will Get Spyware

If you use a PC, read this and take the quiz.

Watergate Hotel Used for GOP Hookers

According to documents in the Mitchell Wade/Duke Cunningham case, Wade hired prostitutes for Duke and others.