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Sink your teeth into this, Bush and Paulson, cave-in leaders.

House GOP “Rebels” Spiked Bill To Get More Deregulation

The House GOP leadership crashed the stock market on purpose. So says this blog. Â Majority Leader John Boehner and Minority Whip Roy Blunt, who officially supported the bailout bill, claimed that there were a dozen or so “no” votes from House GOP ranks that turned the tide, surprising even them. But were they really […]

McCain Boasted He Passed Bailout As House Vote Went Down In Flames

MSNBC has already shown the footage. McCain did this in Columbus, OH where yesterday he stood up an entire hand-picked “Town Hall” audience with no notice and no explanation for his actions.

Shortly before the vote, McCain had bragged about his involvement and mocked Sen. Barack Obama for staying on the sidelines.

“I’ve never been […]


95 DEMOCRATS VOTED NO, 133 REPUBLICANS – DOW PLUNGES 700 POINTSÂ Check out Boehner’s weepy attempt to get rebelling House Republicans to change their mind and vote yes (video at the link). You can’t negotiate with idiots, and Boehner is learning hte hard way.

Rich Lowry says Pelosi is at fault because she gave […]

Terror Attack on Kids’ Day Care at Ohio Mosque

This is the definition of terrorism. Imagine if this happened in a day care center at a Christian church, anywhere in the US.

Constitution Violated By Wall Street Bailout

The Greatest Ripoff in American History is not doing anything to help the markets, anyway. Down 300 points with Bush begging passage.

Obama Releases Debate One Ad

Think we’ll see any McCain ads showing clips from the debate? Notice that all the premature “McCain Wins Debate” ads were taken down, never to return?

At Least 32 Killed in Baghdad

This keeps happening and that’s just fine with John McCain.


It’s been just over 7 days, what modifications have been made by the Democrats to what was originally the greatest ripoff in American history? I guess we’ll see, and get less than 6 hours to look at it before the vote.

Obama Humiliated McCain in Bailout Meeting

Adding to prior reports about the supposedly all-important bailout meeting in the White House convened after John McCain’s “campaign suspension” stunt, the Washington Post reports that Barack Obama directly confronted McCain on the emptiness of his position on the government response to the financial crisis:

Boehner was blunt. The plan Paulson laid out would not […]