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MI ordered MP’s to Strip and Shackle detainees

At a minimum. This article in the New York Times is based on a leak of Taguba’s interview with Col. Pappas, named as the main suspect by Taguba in ordering/encouraging the torture of prisoners.

Keeping Pressure on the Schwabs

Sponson has gone on a trip, to Maui. I’m counting on the rest of you to keep the pressure on the Schwabs, perhaps some free t-shirts are in order.

COPPER GREEN – Seymour Hersh does it AGAIN AGAIN

As usual, here it is. IT CAME FROM THE TOP

Torture Victims Tell Their Stories

I’ve gathered together these links into one place; if you read them all one after the other, you can see the clear similarities between the stories.

Jamal al-Harith, tortured by US military in Guantanamo and today a free man in England due to pressure from his government.

Saddam Aboud, tortured by US military in Abu […]

Smear Machine in High Gear

A story was published today that claimed that Ra’ashad, England’s lawyer, had “mingled client funds,” a big no no. Simultaneously there was an attempt to claim he had never received a law degree; the “reporter” involved did not understand that the college in New York that Ra’ashad attended now has a different name than it […]

Ex-guards Begin to Speak about Abu Ghraib

In this story we can see the shape of things to come. Use this login:

user pass: isanazi

Courts Martial as Cover Up

For the first time, I’m going to write a piece here that is not a commentary on a particular story but on the overall situation with the courts martial about to start in Iraq. Friday’s newspapers and media clearly set the stage for an information war about the shape of the “Iraq Prison Abuse” scandal, […]

Proof Positive that Intelligence Officers did Torture

The MSNBC article which publishes and describes this picture quotes accused torturer Charles Graner (#1 in photo) as identifying all the others save one as Military Intelligence officers. The very shaky “a few bad eggs” cover-up is now finally blown for good.

It’s time to face the unpleasant

Yesterday’s horrific Senate horror/ peep show was historic and bizarre by all accounts. Many may not want to know what was shown but it’s evidence and important evidence too. Most of the Senators yesterday made comments about what they saw to media back in their home state newspapers; I’ve noticed that many Senators denied seeing […]

England’s lawyer Paints a Picture

In this piece and in a Larry King interview last night, Ra’ashad, a former JAG lawyer himself involved in interrogations, alleges that Abu Ghraib was set up after the Miller recommendations in such a way that mercenaries, more so than military intelligence, gave the orders for prisoner mistreatment. This is quite plausible and fits perfectly […]