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Last Chance to Get the Story Straight

For conspirators Rumsfeld and Miller; but it’s too late.


Nicholas Berg was Marked for Death

By the American Right.

Powell Warned Bush of Red Cross reports

Oh, come on. That would be the smoking gun and the whole thing would be over for Bush, open and shut. What kind of idiot said this? Actually, it was Colin Powell. Oh. HEY LOOK OVER THERE! AN AMERICAN GETTING HIS HEAD CUT OFF ON A MYSTERIOUS GRAINY INTERNET VIDEO!!!!!!

Rumsfeld “still considering resigning” say official leakers

Dumping Donald Rumsfeld is obviously still on the table. For Bushco this has absolutely nothing to do with responsibility or morality; it is utterly and totally Presidential-poll driven, period. People like Rumsfeld are literally flunkies to be thrown overboard as ballast at any time, with no loyalty and no defense whatever if they consider it […]

Bush Turned Down 3 Chances to Kill Zarqawi

Just a reminder of how the new Goldstein could have been wiped out long ago, but Bush chose not to because of fear it might undermine his case for a full scale Iraq invasion. Where would Mr. Berg and some 700 others be had it not been for this self-interested decision to Save The Plan?


This one Takes the Cake

This on says it all about Skeletor.

Karpinski Fingered Miller

In this article Gen.Karpinski describes the one on one meeting where Geoffrey Miller shoved the law aside and swore his determination to turn Abu Ghraib into a torture chamber. Read the account yourself – you can almost hear Powell’s fabled pottery breaking.

The info in this story comes from the Annexes to the Taguba report, […]

The Disgrace is Official

In their main editorial the New York Times goes right to Inhofe’s outburst on Tuesday as the prime example of disgraceful GOP diversion and attack politics. The truth is through his behavior he is actively helping the still-ongoing coverup itself of Abu Ghraib wrongdoing.

Some Perspective

From the column.

“When Daham Kassim, his wife Gufran Ibed Kassim, and their four children tried to escape the hell of U.S. bombing in their neighborhood in Nasiriyah, they stopped on the outskirts of the city at a military checkpoint, where, without warning, U.S. tank crews blasted their car with machine-gun fire, killing three of […]

Neocon Injected into Taguba Hearing

At the last minute, it has suddenly been announced that Gen. Antonio Tagub will only be allowed to testify with two added witnesses – his superiors. Both of them will get to speak before Taguba is allowed to make a statement. One of them is Stephen Cambon. Cambon is one of the co-authors of the […]