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“Problematic Methods” and Suicide at Guantanamo

Beginning soon after General Miller, architect of Abu Ghraib’s torture system, arrived at Gitmo. Read this and then think about how the reaction by Rumsfeld and Bush was to promote Miller to head Abu Ghraib, where he is still the warden today operating with impunity.

“Mall Bomber” case a total hoax

Another Ashcroft stunt exposed for what it was: nothing but a bald attempt to distract, with another harmless person as the “high profile” target.

Home Invasion, Murder in Iraq

And cover-up as reported in the Boston Globe.

NSC Official says Bush ordered torture

Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker:

Leverett went on, “The President was only belatedly coming to the understanding that he had to either make a strategic change or, if he was going to insist on unilateral control, get tougher and find the actual insurgency.” The Administration then decided, Leverett said, to “deploy the Guantánamo model […]

Read Taguba Story Below

Just trying to get your attention here with another excerpt from the Time/Taguba story linked below:

One plaintiff, identified only as Neisef, claims that after he was taken from his home on the outskirts of Baghdad last November and sent to Abu Ghraib, Americans made him disrobe and attached electrical wires to his genitals. He […]

How Dare that High School Dork Claim “Torture” in Iraq

May 15, 2004 autopsies of Iraqis killed in firefight with British troops:

On one of the seven death certificates in question, Ahmad al Helfi, a 19-year-old casual labourer, is described as having “several bullet injuries to the body, with blueness of the left eye and a cut-wound by a sharp tool on the right arm. […]

Throw anything – anything at Fahrenheit

Get a load of this, from the “Drudge Report” web page. (This is what I get for looking at the damn thing just once a week). They think this is somehow going to harm Moore? I think he looks like a cool guy here myself…

NYT: NONE of Guantanamo Prisoners are AQ Leaders

MASSIVE story. That’s none. Zero.

In interviews, dozens of high-level military, intelligence and law-enforcement officials in the United States, Europe and the Middle East said that contrary to the repeated assertions of senior administration officials, none of the detainees at the United States Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay ranked as leaders or senior operatives of […]

Rape Account in Taguba Report Classified

Time has a brief story, getting it on the record in case it explodes before next week.

In a Feb. 21 statement to Taguba, Lieut. Colonel Steven L. Jordan, former head of the Abu Ghraib interrogation center, said he had received reports “that there were members of the MI [Military Intelligence] community that had […]

“Imperial Hubris”

New book by “anonymous” quite a blast at Bush.