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Release Process Described

Washington Post.

As he waited outside Abu Ghraib recently, Jaber Mansour, 60, a farmer from Diyala province with three relatives inside the prison, voiced a common complaint.

“They arrested them without telling them what they are charged with,” Mansour said. “Arresting people without telling them why is a crime by itself. The democracy they brought […]

Guantanamo Play Huge Hit in England

Endorsed by newspapers and politicians of all stripes, and now it’s headed for Broadway. Fahrenheit the musical next?

Report Concludes Interior Dept. Hired Abu Ghraib Torturer

Shows that Navy and Army illegally contracted for interrogators, including one named in the Taguba report as a torturer. Bizarrely, the Interior Department was in the middle of it, and the “interrogators” were hired under a computer services contract. This stinks so many ways I can’t even begin to comprehend it. Here is the story.


Stricken from the Record

Representative Brown said, “I come from Florida, where you and others participated in what I call the United States coup d’etat. We need to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. Over and over again after the election when you stole the election, you came back here and said get over it. No we’re not […]

Top GOP Donor made 2000 Deal with Saddam

Detroit Free Press. And now he’s doing it in US-occupied Iraq again, thanks to his $100,000 fundraising handed to the GOP through Jeb Bush.

John Warner Caves, cancels planned torture hearings

Allawi Shot 6 Prisoners Dead in Cold Blood

Sydney Morning Herald.

Kerry Interview in WSJ

“I don’t trust this administration’s definition of where they’re going or what they’re going to do,” he said. “They’ve already shifted everything. They shifted the reason for the war. They’re capable of shifting anything.”

Kerry outlines conditions for withdrawal of US troops from Iraq if he’s President.


Hell Freezes Over

Woody Guthrie’s sister points at his likeness on the new painting by Charles Banks Wilson, in the blue shirt, at the unveiling ceremony at the Oklahoma State Capitol Rotunda. The hippie guy in the aloha shirt is Arlo Guthrie. Yeah I know it’s blurry, blame digital technology®.

‘Outfoxed’-Documentary May Bring Murdoch Lawsuits

NY Times