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Total Journalistic Failure

Columbia Journalism Review

Alison Mitchell, deputy national editor of the New York Times, confessed to Editor & Publisher magazine that “I’m not sure that in an era of no cable television we would even have looked into it.” And James O’Shea, managing editor of the Chicago Tribune, fretted to E&P about feeling forced to […]


A major new low – The Economist

End of the Line for “Swift Boat” Lies

Nixon White House tape transcript, 1971 as explained by CNN reporter Johns last night:

JOHNS: Behind the scenes, Kerry’s aides were fighting the swift boat charges with unusual ferocity. They say they have evidence one of the top members of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is an outright liar.

The co-author of the book “Unfit […]

Bush Campaign Lawyer Working for “Truth” Liars

And is proud of it.

The “corner has been turned” on this story; media finally deciding to report that the charges are utterly, totally baseless; and that Bush is directly behind the ads. Rather than letting it drop, Kerry is going to pound Bush on this right up until election day and beyond.

SBVT ad sponsor running GOP fundraiser in NY

Bush’s denials blown apart by no less than the Dallas Morning News.

Smearing Kerry – a 33-year-old White House tradition

And using exactly the same man: John O’Neill, now a well-connected GOP Texas lawyer and head of “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.”

“It’s a Smoking Gun”

Top-secret Military Intelligence memo leaked to defense lawyer for one of the accused MPs: Baltimore Sun. use newtzi / isanazi to get in.

“The gloves are coming off gentleman (sic) regarding these detainees. Col. Boltz has made it clear that we want these individuals broken,” said the memo. “Casualties are mounting and we need to […]

Abu Ghraib coverup in High Gear

There is a coordinated attempt going on to shut down the entire Abu Ghraib story by the end of this week. The “Fay report,” and the “Schlesinger report” will come out in the next 3 days. In addition, one of the Court Martial judges has announced that if higher-up officers are not charged with crimes […]

Empty then, empty now

Tom Oliphant points out the history of lead “Swift Boat” smear merchant John O’Neill. Having been a witness to Nixon’s hiring and use of O’Neill in 1971 along with an abuse of the Navy itself to try to find smear material on young Kerry, Oliphant reminds us that Nixon failed. John Warner, now the Senator […]

Another Liar Sinks

Yet another veteran who appeared in the Bush-approved smear ad proven to be a total liar. This one is an active Republican prosecutor in Oregon.