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From foreign access; Analysis proves it. There are 4 million Americans who are cut off in the process. Now why would Bush do that? Why would he not want Americans doing business in oh, let’s say, RUSSIA, to see what he’s been saying to Americans to explain his mistakes?

We do what Brad Carson Did Not

Tom Coburn Wednesday night: “If you die… If you’re an African American male in this country, you die before the average… your average life expectancy is less than the retirement age of social security. How, what kind of plan is that that we’re gonna take from those because they had a genetic predisposition to have […]

Ramadi Slipping into Chaos


Ramadi, Iraq -The American military and the interim Iraqi government are quickly losing control of this provincial capital, which is larger and strategically more important than its sister city of Falluja, say local officials, clerics, tribal sheiks and officers with the United States Marines.

Debate 2 – October 8, 2004

Mr. Kerry: You rely on good military people to execute the military component of the strategy. But winning the peace is larger than just the military component. General Shinseki had the wisdom to say you’re going to need several hundred thousand troops to win the peace. Military’s job is to win the war. The president’s […]

Eyewitness to a failure in Iraq

Bosto Globe

Your Tax Dollars at Work

The Fuehrer speaks and the audience stick to the official script. Don’t believe me? Take a look.

I want to remind the American people, if Senator Kerry had his way, we would still be taking our global test.


THE PRESIDENT: Saddam Hussein would still be in power.


THE PRESIDENT: He would […]


It’s not over till it’s over. AND IT IS OVER

An anti-elephant never forgets

Think emotions are high in Florida?

US passed Invasion Plans, Start Date to UK Five Months Ahead of Time

This shatters the “war was a last resort” claim to pieces.

The Challenge Plan

This is a pretty good speculative article on how the challenge plan will work. However I think there is one key mistake here; unlike him, I think the “challengers” may be sent intentionally to provoke violence or near-violence by frustrated voters in order to claim “chaos” and further discredit or contaminate the legitimacy of the […]