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Fallujah Field Hospital

Washington Post

“When they told us we’d go into Fallujah, many of us thought we’d see gunshot wounds, but not people with limbs already amputated due to the blast,” Ramirez said.

Crusade? What Crusade?

This is real

US Marines of the 1st Division try to control a horse as they stage a chariot race reminiscent of the Charlton Heston movie, complete with confiscated Iraqi horses at their base outside Fallujah, Iraq, Saturday, Nov. 6 , 2004. For U.S. Marines tapped to lead an expected attack on insurgent-held Fallujah, […]

Red Cross: 800 Civilians Killed in Falluja Attack

IPS news service-

The situation within Fallujah is grim, he said. If help does not reach people soon, ”the children who are trapped will most likely die.”Â

He said the Ministry of Health in the U.S.-backed interim Iraqi government had stopped supplying hospitals and clinics in Fallujah two months before the current siege.Â


NBC Won’t Show Murder Video

Military murder in Falluja: A Marine can be heard saying on the pool footage provided to Reuters Television: “He’s fucking faking he’s dead. He’s faking he’s fucking dead.”

Washington Post story here, video here.

Compassionate Conservatism

Take your pick: executive jet used for kidnapping and torture or wounded teenage garbagemen shot to death while cleaning up their own neighborhood.

AP Photog Sees Family of 5 Shot Dead

AP photographer is eyewitness to US killing of civilians in Falluja. This is in no way a criticism, but it must be commented that it’s too bad this photojournalist didn’t follow rule #1 and never go anywhere without his camera. Not that most would have fared any better than he did, but it’s too bad […]

Bush Orders CIA Purge


“The CIA is looked on by the White House as a hotbed of liberals and people who have been obstructing the president’s agenda.”

U.S. now bombing Mosul

Baghdad Airport closed-indefinitely

Debating a Neocon

This is totally required reading

Sorry Everybody

A love letter to the world