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“The Americans are shooting anything that moves.”

Inside Fallujah

An Iraqi journalist still in the city reported seeing burned US vehicles and bodies in the street, with more buried under the wreckage. He said two men trying to move a corpse were shot down by a sniper. [in Mosul] Saadi Ahmed, a senior member of the pro-American Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party, […]

Mosul Sliding Out of Control


How They Did It

In another excellent article from the Columbus Free Press, a very relevant point:

Republican insiders confide here that the key goal was to jam lines and frustrate new voters. After two federal judges rejected the GOP challengers, Republicans got a favorable ruling from the Sixth Circuit, which allowed them to place challengers in Ohio polling […]

“He Snookered All of Us”

A reminder of how loyal Alberto Gonzales actually is. He’s being tapped again for this reason in my opinion; they will work together like Nixon and Kleindienst.

License to Steal?

The great Robert Parry, in this must read article, explains one of the most disturbing ramifications of our flawed election system and Bush’s victory.

Direct from Falluja

Actual first hand accounts by Iraqis of what is happening:

-“They hit a second hospital [on Tuesday], killing everyone. There are dead bodies in the streets. People have been burying their dead in the gardens of their homes.”

-“There are more dead bodies on the streets and the stench is getting stronger.

A house some […]

Blackwell Changes Rules to Throw Out Ballots

Kenneth Blackwell in Ohio has suddenly changed the criteria for keeping or discarding provisional ballots, changing a previous ruling that “date of birth” need not be filled ou on the packet. This will lower the number of provisional ballots that will be counted, preventing Kerry from gaining as many votes in the final tally than […]


And Sunni clerics call for boycott of the election

“On the take” in Kuwait and Iraq

The U.S. and Halliburton

One e-mail about an Aug. 4, 2003, meeting between U.S. Embassy officials in Kuwait and Altanmia, reported the Kuwaiti company’s claim that coalition and KBR officers “are on the take; that they solicit bribes openly; that anyone visiting their seaside villas at the Kuwaiti Hilton who offers to provide services will […]

US by Population