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More Horrors Revealed in Documents

As obtained by ACLU under FOIA: Washington Post.

In April of this year, shortly before the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal shook the U.S. military, three Marines in Mahmudiya shocked a detainee with an electric transformer, forcing him to “dance” as the electricity hit him, according to a witness, one document states.

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Gary Webb Dead at 49

So the AP lies about him, even before the funeral: SF Chronicle. Webb’s series was never discredited; that is absolutely false. Note the “evidence” the AP provides.

Here’s what his former paper the Mercury News says.

“Bejeweled Tiffany Badge” for Saudis’ thug

NY Daily News

Killer of Iraqi Garbage Worker Court Martialed


Why Kerik Quit

It sure as hell wasn’t an illegal labor issue. This Washington Post story caused him to quit. He started out his “security” career as a goon for our good friends the Saudis.

Chattanooga Reporter Helped Troops with Rumsfeld Event

Journalist gets around embedded rules to help the troops he is covering while the national press corps act like the sheep they are. An absolute must read.

The press officer in charge of my regiment, the 278th, came up to me afterwords and asked if my story would be positive. I replied that I would […]

Ambushed in Iraq – “Am I all here?”

Excellent reporting – Washington Post

Angry and frustrated over Spregner’s wounding, nine soldiers loaded into another Stryker and vowed revenge. Rushing out the back hatch moments later, the men stormed a three-story building where they suspected the insurgents might be. But the only person they encountered with their rifles raised to eye level was an […]

Reporters Barred from Army Base in Colorado

This article in the Denver Post is the underlying reason.

Critics inside and outside the Army say “med hold” units are choked with reservists who should have been home much sooner with family or friends. Instead, they find themselves in a system that some Army officials acknowledge was unprepared to handle the thousands of soldiers […]

Navy CPO Refuses to Transport Troops to Iraq

San Diego

Going off the Script

AP Some Army Private had the guts to ask Donald Rumsfeld a serious question; this makes huge news because it is so rare.