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Wealthy Bush Supporters Boo Kerry During Inauguration

This is the Democracy that was being celebrated yesterday.

Iraqis Explode Bomb at Torture Base

Times of London.

A group led by Abu Musab alZarqawi, the Jordanian terrorist allied to Osama bin Laden, said that the “suicide attack” was revenge “for the harm inflicted by British occupation forces on our brothers in prison”. The soldiers from the 2nd Battalion The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment were injured in the incident […]

UN “Cannot Observe” Iraq Elections

Financial Times

Murdered Contractor Was Whistleblower on Corporate-Iraqi Graft

LA Times

Jeb Bush’s Speechwriter Resigns

Just a little sexual harassment and plagiarism.

Iraq Violence Spreads to “Safe” areas

Wonderful stories out of Iraq just keep on coming. Remember that new Secretary of State Rice stated categorically that the U.S. has enough troops in Iraq in her confirmation hearing.

Thank You for Liberating Us

British photo developer calls the authorities after developing a soldier’s film; the 22 photos, now evidence in a trial, are at the Guardian.

Americans do their best to grab the headlines back in the hearts and minds department:

MOSUL, Iraq (AP) — U.S. soldiers opened fire on a car as it approached their checkpoint […]


Inauguration tomorrow! Four more years of George W. Bush’s administration! These are the headlines for the day the parties and balls begin, in the Washington newspaper:

Meanwhile on the West Coast:

The poll, conducted Saturday through Monday, found that the percentage of Americans who believed the situation in Iraq was “worth going to […]

Belated Tribute

The last speech of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., given the night of April 3, 1968 at a rally for striking Memphis garbage workers. The last part of the speech:

That’s the question before you tonight. Not, “If I stop to help the sanitation workers, what will happen to all of the hours […]

Barbara Boxer for President

Watch PBS, watch C-SPAN, do whatever you have to do to hear Boxer’s questioning of C. Rice today in the confirmation hearing. She straight up calls Rice what she is, a liar. She calls her a liar on WMD, and also accuses her directly of lying about Al Qaeda in this morning’s hearing. She condemns […]