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John Kerry: America “Cannot Tolerate” Disenfranchisement

AP Happy MLK Day. He reiterated that he decided not to challenge the election results, but “thousands of people were suppressed in the effort to vote.”

“Voting machines were distributed in uneven ways. In Democratic districts, it took people four, five, eleven hours to vote, while Republicans (went) through in 10 minutes – same voting […]

Iraq Admits Insurgents Outnumber US Troops

BBC. Don’t forget, less than 6 months ago Rumsfeld said that the number of insurgents in Iraq was SIX THOUSAND (6,000). Now the Iraq government flatly states the number at 200,000. Oh, and the Archbishop of Mosul has been kidnapped.

Insurgents kidnapped a Catholic archbishop and targeted security forces in a series of brazen assaults […]

James Baker III Calls for Iraq Troop Pullout

This is Bush I’s right hand man, and the one who got GW Bush his job with his “legal” manuevers in the 2000 election dispute.

Hersh: Bush Consolidates Control of CIA, Military

Plans for Iran, he says also.

Insurgents Kidnap 15 Iraqi Guardsmen


The Torture Continues, Right Now

Anthony Chuck (R) of Chicago, representing the ‘Veterans against Torture’ protest group, wears a T-shirt reading ‘Investigate Gonzales’ as United States Attorney General nominee Alberto Gonzales (L) testifies at his Senate confirmation hearing in Washington, January 6, 2005. Gonzales, whose controversial written legal opinions as White House counsel on the use of torture are […]

DOJ Inspector General Says Sibel Edmonds Told the Truth

IG report here

TSA wants to clear arsonists to haul dynamite

And gasoline: this is not a joke.


WHERE WAS GONZALES IN THIS? The White House got restrictions on torture that had been approved in a 96 to 2 Senate vote removed in a secret closed-door session.

“U.S. Lowers Expectations On Iraq Vote”

Washington Post