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“Swift Boat” Smear Merchants Hired to Attack AARP

New York Times

US Soldiers Post Photos on Net of Dead Iraqis

With joke captions: WARNING the photos posted on the soldiers’ site are horrifying and disgusting. The callous captions, although not surprising, make seeing them even worse. In a few days this will become major news, it’s the only reason I am posting a link to it. The Pentagon is aware of this web site and […]

ACLU Obtains New Documents

Thanks to despoticmachine, you get it here first: this will be all over the news tomorrow. This is an ACLU press release:

U.S. Soldiers Posed in Photos of Mock Executions of Detainees; More Cases of Abuse Revealed in Newly Released Documents

EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE February 18, 2005, 12:01 AM

NEW YORK–The American Civil […]

“Iceman” died while Under Extreme Torture

There was no “accident” in his death.

Tom Ridge Met Repeatedly With Top Campaign Strategists

But he has resigned now, how convenient. Don’t forget that one county in Ohio cited “National Security” as their reason for cutting off all witnessing of the vote counting.

GOP Fabricates Sex Scandal While White House Prostitute is Ignored

Baltimore Sun editorial explains what they were up to and how they got caught, utterly fabricating a sex scandal against a Democratic opponent. More of the story here, surprise surprise it was a Freeper job.

You Have Been Hacked

LA Times– only California residents were notified that their information was compromised because this is the only state in the country that requires it. There is no way to know how many people, from how many other states, were hit. This means all of us. Choicepoint DBT are the same people who set up the […]


Washington Post but someone please post better links in comments

NYT: CIA Desperate to Unload “Ghost Detainees”

No takers, apparently.

Independent: British Troops May Face Murder Charges

The Independent