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Abu Ghraib: “Non-doctor” amputations

New meaning for Gonzales’ torture memo language: “equivalent to the loss of a limb” etc.

“I took off an ankle and a lower leg,” he said.

“There was no one else, and if it was death or amputation, you just had to do it.

“When somebody died, we just took out their chest tube and […]

Risk Your Very Life for Freedom

And then die as a guinea pig, at the hands of a taxpayer-funded fake doctor as a reward for your efforts. Now why are we in Iraq again?

Juan Cole on the “Election”

from Salon

AP: Videos of Guantanamo Guards Beating Prisoners

US soldiers beat Guantanamo prisoners, government video obtained by AP show:

In other “questionable” cases, reviewers said a video showed a guard kneeing a detainee in the head, while another showed a team securing a detainee to a gurney for an interrogation.

A separate clip captured a platoon leader taunting a detainee with pepper spray […]

A clue – 232 documented contractor deaths

Since these figures are deliberately not collected, this article may give a tiny hint of what is going on in Iraq.

US Offering Iraqi Post Despite “election” to Chalabi

According to none other than Judith Miller, whose friends have been talking a little bit too much, or she has.

Chertoff Covered Up Torture

So he’s more similar to Gonzales than Kerik: The Nation