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Guard Unit Suspended for Abuse, Shakedowns

Los Angeles Times – the unit is from Fullerton.

NASA Admits Tiles Damaged on Shuttle

And they shut down the entire shuttle program. A-OK! Nothing to worry about, folks!

NY Times Burned Yet Again by “Anonymous Sources”

In the Pentagon, of course. Remember the “reviewing stand” in North Korea supposedly spotted by satellites, ready for a nuclear test?

LA Times Calls It Like It Is

Check out their title for this official editorial.

AP: Witnesses Saw Dogs Bite Abu Ghraib Inmates

The trial for some of the dog handlers has begun; this will be the first court martial to take place after the official admission that the illegal use of dogs came from Guantanamo Bay first, then was moved over to Iraq. LA Times leads the story this way:

FORT MEADE, Md. — Military dog handlers […]

GOP Congress Moves to Investigate Fitzgerald

Boston Globe– one step closer to a Saturday Night Massacre, done by the legislature instead of the President?

Air America at the White House

Their reporter was allowed to ask Scott McClellan a question today at the White House. The question, answer, and Helen Thomas’s comment, are all worth reading.

American as Apple Pie

Bush isn’t just losing the legal battle over the White House attack on the Wilsons, he’s also losing the PR Battle.

Arrest Warrants For 6 More CIA Agents

Issued by Italian Court Judge.

What is in the Abu Ghraib Photos

Editor & Publisher does what I attempted to do here in May 2004: gather up the comments by Senators, etc. who saw the one-time-only horror show of the Darby photographs in the Senate chamber. This is the reason Bush is openly defying court orders.