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Gonzales Gave card 12-Hour Head Start to Shred

Washington Post

US Killing of Iraqi Civilians Increases

Over two years and still no WMD


Seattle PI

Intel Chairman Lies on TV to save Rove

Larry Johnson (you might remember him as the fired Intel analyst in “Outfoxed”) points this out.

Genuine Insight Here

Frank Rich on what the hell is going on in Washington and why the Supreme Court and Traitorgate matters are intimately related.


The Nation

The Other Side of the Scandal

The Guardian says progress is being made on the real source of the Niger forgeries, which started the entire Wilson/Plame/Rove/Libby/CIA affair. Don’t forget, this is the truly explosive side of the scandal.

Libby, Rove Had Reason to Know

Because they were in charge of the “administration response” to Joe Wilson’s simple retelling of the truth, which he patiently waited 6 months to do. This means they did not need any State Dept. document to find out who Wilson’s wife was and her CIA status; these two POLITICAL operatives were in charge of telling […]

Too Much on Rove to Handle

so I’m going to refer you to this comprehensive blog post. Aloha

Bloomberg: Rove, Libby Lied to Grand Jury

This is the first solid evidence of an actual cover-up in the Niger investigation. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reports that the infamous June 10, 2003 State Dept. document was marked TOP SECRET with an extra SECRET-NO FOREIGN on the actual PARAGRAPH that contained the CIA identity of Joe Wilson’s wife.

UPDATE: The New York […]