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Zarqawi is Goldstein

Once again.

EU Pressure on Secret Prisons Mounts

AFP – State Dept. official admits it.

Final Salute

Rocky Mountain News. This will probably win the Pulitzer Prize for news photography.

Even coward Bill O’Reilly says get out.

PDB Showing No Iraq-9/11 Link Covered Up

This is a monster story.

US Confirms Shooting of Civilians

100 US Soldiers Dead in 28 Days

The Pentagon just announced the deaths of 3 more US troops, bringing the total to 2,100. The 2,000th dead was announced on October 25th. This means at least 100 have died in under a month.

Texas Executed Innocent Man in 1993

Houston Chronicle, not exactly a liberal or anti-death penalty newspaper, proves Ruben Cantu was innocent. He was 17 at the time of the murder he was wrongfully convicted for. There are followup stories here and here.

Blair Stopped Bush From Bombing Al-Jazeera

According to the former Defence Minister of the UK Peter Kilfoyle. This supposedly occurred on April 16, 2004. According to this account, Bush wanted to bomb the actual headquarters of the TV network in the capital of Qatar, during the infamous first Falluja offensive.

Iraqi Leaders Unite and Call for Troop Withdrawal Timetable

Not only that, but they legitimized Iraqi attacks against U.S. troops. See it yourself.

In Egypt, the final communique’s attempt to define terrorism omitted any reference to attacks against U.S. or Iraqi forces. Delegates from across the political and religious spectrum said the omission was intentional. They spoke anonymously, saying they feared retribution.

“Though resistance […]

Rendon Group

James Bamford, in this case writing for Rolling Stone (he usually writes books and great ones too). In this article he explains that Rendon, a “contractor” paid over $50 million by the US government, created the Iraqi National Congress and fabricated the case for war, so as to keep government fingerprints off the project. Bamford […]