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Alito Co-Wrote Historic Reagan Document

Which called for the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Oklahoma City GM Plant Closed

So what does Senator Tom Coburn do for the thousands who’ve lost their jobs for the holidays, some of the best jobs in the entire state? He holds a rally with a Ten Commandments monument planted as a provocation on a courthouse lawn.

Hadley Triangulated

I’ll say here now that Hadley was Woodward’s source and stand by it. Rove-Libby lawyers (through Isikoff) are desperately trying to throw people off by talking about Richard Armitage, they are buying time so that Hadley does not get nailed in headlines as the 3rd leaker while he is overseas on Air Force One with […]

London Times: Hadley was the Source

Times of London talks to “lawyers involved” etc.

Bush Official: Blacks Only Vote if They’re Paid To

Says Department of Justice document released to the public.

Fitzgerald to Release Some Libby Documents

This can’t be good news for Cheney. I expect Fitzgerald to try very hard to avoid giving away the direction of his prosecution with these documents; they will most likely be restricted as much as possible to Libby himself and his lies to the grand jury and FBI, and not point to the motivation of […]

Bush Is A Liar, Again

Senate Intel Chairman Bob Graham.

Mapes’ Book Reviewed

By Jonathan Alter.

GOP Scam Resolution Ends in Shame

And moral defeat.

CIA Agents Blow the Cover on Torture

ABC News has found CIA agents willing to talk about something I’ve been trumpeting – some time ago it was published that so-called SERE techniques were incorporated into the “interrogations” of people detained by the U.S. SERE is a US military program that trains US soldiers, airmen, sailors etc. to resist anticipated enemy techniques – […]