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Tom Daschle proves it. Bush’s claim of “authority” to conduct spying on Americans is based somehow on the 2001 congressional authorization of the use of force in Afghanistan, which he says gives him the right to spy on Americans. Now Tom Daschle describes the very drafting of this authorization law in a detailed account of […]

Patriot Act Extension Chopped From 6 Months to Five Weeks

This is the most concrete sign yet that the Bush Administration knows and understands that they are in serious trouble. More later, this is breaking news.

Mr. President Lied Again

The Bin Laden phone story is a lie.

NYC Transit Truce

The TWU insisted on equal treatment for current and new workers under any agreement; it looks like the MTA (the bosses) have caved in to this, paving the way for strikers to return to work while negotiations continue. This is a compromise, but the MTA loses a lot more than the workers do.

Mr. Toussaint, […]

Proof – NYPD Used Agents Provacateur at RNC 2004

New York Times–

Beyond collecting information, some of the undercover officers or their associates are seen on the tape having influence on events. At a demonstration last year during the Republican National Convention, the sham arrest of a man secretly working with the police led to a bruising confrontation between officers in riot gear and […]

“The Worst Day of My Life”

The bigger they are, the harder they fall. You’d think this was a scene from a Hollywood movie, perhaps even one starring Jimmy Stewart and Claude Rains. Watch this video of Ted Stevens, speaking just before his beloved ANWR scam gets killed by a majority vote (not a filibuster) in the US Senate Wednesday night. […]


Along with our “friends” the Sunni parties of Iraq, Allawi now says there was major fraud in the Iraq election. He was Bush’s choice for President in th election last week in Iraq. If the spying scandal had not erupted on Friday, this would be the biggest news story in the US.

Allawi aide Thaer […]

NSA-Tainted Taps May Free Real Terrorists

This is not just a claim of one judge who resigned; it’s real.

Mainstream Pundit Gets It

Howard Fineman understands that 2006 is going to be a hellacious political year.

Katrina Was Category 3 not 4; Official