If this is true the whole picture of the Plamegate case may change.
If this is true the whole picture of the Plamegate case may change. UPDATE: AP STORY CONFIRMS IT here What does it take to fire this guy? Oh, and by the way, Democrats beat Republicans on national security in the same poll. Let me repeat that: Democrats beat Republicans in a nationwide poll on national security. First on the wires was this story, announced after a trial balloon by Karl Rove himself on Fox radio. Here is the story onRice’s visit, which says: A State Department official said he was not aware of anything in Rice’s discussions with UAE Vice President Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid that would affect the ongoing battle […] Claiming FBI endorsement of their torture tactics, which the FBI actually warned them harshly about. NPR interview This is like watching a football game, and seeing the rival team fumble, and you are screaming at someone, in slow motion, to see the fumble and pick up the ball, it’s just lying there. Well, it looks like at least Carl Levin is trying. As if a) He doesn’t have to chair the commitee of which he is the chair; and b) it doesn’t matter that he is currently taking millions in pay from the UAE. He needs firing, and before yesterday. Even then, that doesn’t get Bush off the hook. Make no mistake; on March 2nd the UAE […] Robert Parry with an excellent article pointing out the connection between UAE and the Hariri assassination. If there were any justice in this country, Bush would be facing impeachment hearings by now over this port deal alone. In Iraq, another bomb in addition to the one mentioned below, has killed 3 more US soldiers. |
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