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Doctors Refuse Federal order to Participate in Execution

Los Angeles Times

Duke Cunningham’s Bribery List Published

Duke Cunningham actually drew up a bribery menu detailing how many millions in government contracts he would dispense, depending on how much he was bribed. This is a must read.

Oil Militia Behind Iraq Petroleum Revenue Fiasco

Oil Militia?!?!?!?! WTF? Caution, “Oil Militia” at Work

David Irving Eats His Words, Goes to Jail

This is where Ann Coulter-style wild talk and lying will eventually get you. He’s getting 3 years in jail.

Navy Memo Shows Torture Came From Top

The New Yorker will publish tomorrow; here is the AP report.

AP: This is Far From Over

The Associated Press is the arbiter of fact in this country. They declare an open verdict on the Cheney-Whittington shooting incident. The Rove-right spin machine pulled out all the stops this week with the ultimate goal that around Friday evening or Saturday, the AP would endorse the “truthiness” of Cheney’s story. They most decidedly have […]

Roberts Caves on Spy Cover-Up

A huge setback for the bad guys, and a big win for the American people. It means that Cheney’s lobbying success detailed below turned into a failure by the end of the week. They were trying to modify FISA to accomodate the past crimes, but it failed. Meanwhile, Gonzales says he will block Comey and […]

“Accounted For”

Looks like another 12 US service persons are dead.

Fitzgerald: Libby is attempting “greymail”

A rare quotation of Fitzgerald in the Houston Chronicle.

Judge ORDERS White House to Release NSA Spy Papers

The race to the Supreme Court begins. I think this FOIA lawsuit by EPIC, which they have now won, will get there before the other lawsuits that have been filed. I said starting on December 16th that the NSA spy case is going to end up in the US Supreme Court, and it may decide […]