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Desperate Attempt to Stop NSA Hearings

By Pat Roberts the neurotic, amnesiac pill-shaker.

CBS: Cheney “In Meltdown”

I have no idea what this video report from the CBS Evening News last night means, but for some reason (probably the sudden comparison at the end with a certain dubious previous incident) I find it hilarious. Apparently being in a “state of meltdown” for the heroic Cheney doesn’t prevent you from flying to DC, […]

“The Worst Day of My Life”

He feels for you, Dick. He and 2,272 of his comrades.

It must be terrible, to see a friend go down from a gunshot wound. Few people have any knowledge of what you are going through.

And your anonymous spokespeople say that the Whittingtons are more worried about you than about their gutshot […]

Yet Another NSA Program Described

Or at least partially described, by whistleblower Russell Tice in a hearing.

Cheney Admits Drinking Before Shooting Man

Account of his ultra-controlled Faux news “interview,” conducted in the Old Executive Office Building. So now we know why Armstrong’s quote about beer was taken down from MSNBC’s web site.


Armstrong, a longtime friend of the Cheney family, told CNN before the vice president’s interview that she […]

“Other Priorities”

Master of the Senate

So here’s another reason Cheney fled the scene as soon as possible after shooting an old man directly in the face, leaving some “six to two hundred” birdshot pellets embedded in his body. He had an urgent mission, which he accomplished yesterday, in the nation’s Capitol, which was to kill […]

Press Question of the Day?

Q — I wondered if the administration is considering revisiting the proposal to eliminate the program that provides defibrilators to rural areas and train personnel how to use them.

(from the white house web site, February 14, 2006)

More Scrubbing of News Stories

This time it’s MSNBC. As you can see at this Google abstract link, the article once had a quote from Katharine Armstrong about the shooting incident involving beer, but now it’s missing from the current version of the MSNBC article. What the hell happened that day?

Jeb Bush, McClellan Crack Jokes While 78-year-old Man Inches from Death

AP – This is disgusting. Cheney continues to hide from the press, also forcing Bush to do the same. I believe that we are being told false stories about both the nature and the time of the accident.

“Just Sprayed”

Whittington has had a heart attack, birdshot lodged in his heart, says CNN. Scott McClellan came out this morning with an orange tie on, laughing and making silly jokes at the expense of a 78-year-old man with shotgun pellets in his heart who is fighting for his life. These people are sick.