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Kurds Destroy Halabja Monument

Saddam Hussein killed many of the people of Halabja; the US cancelled their water project last year. Now the “peaceful Kurds” have had it with all of the betrayal.

Shadow War Junta Set Up as Iraq Policy Collapses

In Iraq, it is the eve of real civil war. When a dictatorship begins to fall, often a junta is set up to restore stability, guard the interests of the oligarchy and make sure that democracy does not encroach in the aftermath. Well, here it is.

Not the President Any More

James Baker is setting up a shadow junta to run the Iraq war, with the endorsement of people like Joe Biden. Rumsfeld and Bush are not responding to reason, so this is the corporate-friendly “something must be done anyway” move.

US Troops Kill 11 Iraqis in Home

Last night I posted on a new Knight-Ridder article showing a 50% increase in US bombing in Iraq in the last 5 months, as predicted by Seymour Hersh. Within hours this report appeared:

Police and witnesses said 11 members of one family were killed in a U.S. raid overnight in Ishaqi, a town in Saddam’s […]

Simply Lying On Iran

Bush said on Monday, referring to improvised explosive devices, “Some of the most powerful IEDs we’re seeing in Iraq today includes components that came from Iran.”

Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, was asked for details on this:

Asked whether the United States has proof that Iran’s government was behind these developments, Marine Corps […]

Electricity in Iraq at 3-Year Low

As reconstruction is cancelled by Bush. Summer is coming up very soon. This is not good.

Salon Releases 279 Classified Abu Ghraib Photos

Salon– It’s been almost two years now since the first pictures were leaked to the news media. They are going to regret that the advice of many Senators was not followed, they should have gone ahead and released them all at once.

CID Caption: 10:51 p.m., Dec. 12, 2003. Detainee after dog bite. SOLDIER(S): […]

Forbidden “Future of Iraq Project” Posted on the Net

Get it now before someone forces them to take it down. This is the State Department plan for the physical and political reconstruction of Iraq that was totally ignored on Bush and Rumsfeld’s orders.

Pennsylvania Seizes Newspaper’s Hard Drives

What can I say? Utterly outrageous, frightening, chilling, stupid.

Green Zone Plot Foiled At Last Minute?

INCREDIBLE story from the AP. Whether it is true or not, it is a clear signal from the current Iraqi government that they want the US out, because they are claiming that THEY, and not the US, saved the Green Zone from total destruction. The message is, they can take care of security themselves.