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Cheney Booed – Video

The Washington Post confirms it, despite the fact that the AP pool quote (in the post below) turns out to be a prank. And this video shows that Cheney was booed as soon as they announced him and he appeared on the field, not “after” he threw the pitch. In fact the crowd is nearly […]

3 Commanders Relieved of Duty in Iraq

Haditha massacre covered by KR.

HADITHA, Iraq – In the middle of methodically recalling the day his brother’s family was killed, Yaseen’s monotone voice and stream of tears suddenly stopped. He looked up, paused and pleaded: “Please don’t let me say anything that will get me killed by the Americans. My family can’t handle any […]

Cheney Roundly Booed by Thousands at Baseball Opener

More later, looking for video, it just happened. According to the AP Pool report leaked and reprinted here there were “thunderous boos and catcalls.” Faux News apparently covered it without mentioning or acknowledging the loud sound of booing. The raw AP pool report said:

Gorgeous day, 70 degrees with happy, red-capped turnout est at 25k. […]

Gingrich Calls for US Exit from Iraq

Yes, really.

Si se puede

The GOP racist circus has utterly failed. Everybody wins.

US Secrets Casually For Sale

Flash drive technology at work on the streets of Afghanistan.

Berlusconi Ousted Say Exit Polls

AFP– This could open the door for massive revelations about Plamegate, which started with false documents in Italy.

US Psyops in Iraq Aimed at US

Washington Post– This is a very important story. This activity is unconstitutional and illegal.

Bush Plans Nuclear Attack on Iran

Seymour Hersh, New Yorker– Officers threaten resignation if nukes aren’t removed from Iran attack plan.

The Truth About Leaks

Knight-Ridder– a sober look at the real record of Bush and Cheney, leaking.