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US Orders the Population of Ramadi Out

LA Times

U.S. and Iraqi forces had cordoned off the city Saturday and were asking civilians to evacuate, residents and Iraqi officials said. Airstrikes on several residential areas picked up, and troops took to the streets with loudspeakers to warn civilians of a fierce impending attack, Ramadi police Capt. Tahseen Aldulaimi said. U.S. military officials […]

3 Suicides at Guantanamo; Bush Calls for US Trials

This is a serious crisis in terms of international opinion; there is no doubt that many of the detainees there are innocent and Bush has up until now insisted on military tribunals. A meltdown is under way.

Massive Attacks, Kidnappings Against Iraqi Oil

Today oil has gone up 59 cents a barrel as a direct result. Yesterday American pundits were crowing about the drop in daily oil prices due to the Zarqawi announcement; Well, look at this list of the attacks on Iraq’s oil infrastructure happening now.

Facts? Wha?

No word on whether Zarqawi’s fabled on-again, off-again leg was found in this rubble a mile from the house where he supposedly died. At least four houses of Iraqi citizens were destroyed in this US air raid, which apparently photographers just stumbled on, while searching for the “Zarqawi raid” rubble.

“Specter of a Backbone”

Froomkin has an excellent review of the coverage of Specter’s “I mean it this time” public fight with Cheney over blocking his Senate spying investigation.

Berg on Zarqawi

Words of wisdom from Mr. Berg. Amazing that they allowed him to say this on the air just once, even though it cost his son’s life to be able to do it.


This is truly a major bombshell which will cause an uproar in Europe.

Unger: Niger Claims Were Intentionally Fabricated by Bushco

Vanity Fair

Active Duty Data Stolen Also from VA

80% of active duty soldiers also had their data stolen in the unsconscionable, inexcusable VA disaster. This was a scam, someone paid someone to “lose” this data, which now affects everyone including all the WW2 vets still alive (yes, the stories that it “only went back to Vietnam” were also lies by Nicholson).

Somalia Falls to Islamic Militia

The “war on terror” is just going great.