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Colbert’s Commencement Address

Here it is, in its entirety.

Geneva Rule to Be Removed from Army Field Manual

LA Times – the State Dept., and all rational human beings on earth, object.

No-Fact Zone Descends on WH Press Room


Insurgent Attacks Highest Ever in Iraq

Higher than ever despite the headline which wrongly implies they may have been higher at some other point in time.

Two More Katrina Victims Found Dead in Their Homes


Afghan Official Confirms-US Troops Shot 4 After Accident

The riot began after US troops in the convoy shot and killed 4 Afghan civilians, exactly as also reported by the AFP reporter mentioned below.

Gonzales Internet Tracking Plan

So he blurts it out– this was originally because of “child pornography” but no more. This would require ISPs to keep records that could be used to track every single thing you do on the internet, and trace it back to you as an individual in your own home.
