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Americans “Rescue” Convicted, Corrupt Iraqi from Courtroom

Insanity on parade.

Bush’s “Unacceptable” Rhetoric

Excellent review of the exploding rate at which he throws this word around.


This is historic.

“Out of Iraq Now” – Bush Heckled at St. Louis Speech

video here

Stunning House of Reps Poll Results

A new comprehensive poll shows the Democrats moving into a 224-205 lead in the House of Reps, not counting 13 more seats that are currently a tossup.

Baghdad Crackdown Operation Fails

A ridiculous amount of hype was made from the slight downturn in Baghdad’s official death rate between July and August. Claims were made that this showed that “progress” was being made in Iraq, although the numbers were horrific compared to even the Hussein period. Well, the September numbers are out, and they’re horrible.

According to […]

Bush Plays into Al Qaeda’s Hands. Again.

This is an excellent analysis of the delusional “strategery” of Bush in Iraq. Don’t miss it.

Hastert Knew

The Foley investigation is leaking like a sieve, and it all points to detailed knowledge by Hastert’s staff, at the very minimum, of every aspect of Foley’s behavior in the House, including his drunken visit to the Pages’ dorm. Since Rove is in charge of this coverup, he must be climbing the walls right about […]

Iraqis Dying at Four Times Pre-war Rate

Everyone is talking about this study which estimates that 655,000 “excess deaths” have occurred in Iraq due to the invasion, but I thought I would mention in the headline another conclusion. This study estimates that about 500 Iraqis are dying per day due to the war, a number that I think is quite possibly true. […]

Real Journalist vs. Fraud

Jane Arraf, who in my book is a real television journalist, calls out acommenter claiming that things are great in Iraq.