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Top British Diplomat: We Warned US of Iraq Chaos Before Invasion

Testimony recounted here by two different newspapers. He has the (classified) documents to prove it, too, along with proof of the manipulation of evidence. This man should be invited to the US Congress to testify immediately.

The Republican Way: Homeless Campaign Hire Speaks

This is a must-read.

Computer “Voting Machines” Eat Thousands of Votes – In Florida

More people voting for Hospital Board Election than Congress. Way to go, Florida. Did I mention it’s Katharine Harris’ former district?


Donald Rumsfeld will resign, says Bush. His replacement will be Robert Gates, former CIA Director, who shipped massive amounts of weapons to Saddam Hussein in 1989-1990, including specifically WMDs. These are facts. Try here, Consortium News for the first recounting of these facts. I recall it involved chemical weapons and cluster bombs.

2,839 American service […]

Tester Declares Victory in Montana

Rove and Bush have a very grim calculation to make. If they press for a full recount in Virginia, it risks lengthier investigation and exposure of the multiple campaign crimes committed in the desperate attempt for a clear Allen win. When you break the law to win an election, you are counting on getting enough […]

Stem Cell Research Wins

Associated Press

In The Bunker

Dear Leader was told the bad news by “The Architect” of his defeat:

Bush, whose Iraq policy was a key factor in the elections, had dinner with top aides and close friends Brad Freeman and Don Evans, the former commerce secretary, and watched the election returns on television in the White House residence.

He was […]

Democrats Take House; Very Likely Senate

Democrats have taken the House of Representatives by a majority larger than any the GOP had from 1994 to 2006. They are minutes away from winning the Senate.

VOTE – Part 2

These people wish you wouldn’t remember them today, and wouldn’t vote:

These people wish you would remember them today, and would hope that you’d vote:

National Right-Wing Radio Host Tells Listeners to Jam Democrat Voter Protection Line

This person REALLY doesn’t want you to vote.

First O’Reilly, now Ingraham: This is a Federal crime, banned by Federal criminal statutes, pure and simple.