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Iraq Government Near Collapse – Due to Corruption

Says US Inspector General.

60 Bodies Found in Baghdad

The near-genocidal level of violence grinds on, day after day, while people like Bush, Gates, and the Iraq Study Group talk about it on an academic, abstract level. This is wholesale death.

Insurance Industry Pulls the Plug on New Orleans

Travelers’ Insurance is letting all commercial policies for the New Orleans area expire and won’t renew them. If the other companies follow suit, which they probably will, then New Orleans is over, it will become a wasteland like the city of Chernobyl.

Terrorism “Score” on Every American

That travels, coming from a secret government program called the “Automated Targeting System.”

Reid Kills Long Senate Vacations

In order to stop desperate recess appointments by Bush. This is a smart and tough move. The article is from the Douchebag of Liberty, Bob Novak.

Padilla Tortured

Your country did this to this man, a United States citizen, and soon he’ll go free. Newsweek says this his “interrogations” were videotaped. He’s nearly catatonic from the trauma of years of deprivation and torture.