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Withdrew promise of cooperation on witnesses – withdrew promise of massive document dump to Congress. Begin the countdown clock, if they don’t change course by Monday AM the subpoenas are coming out. As of this afternoon, This is the biggest government showdown since the Watergate Tapes case.

Wilson Trip Came After Direct Request From VP’s Office

Directly to Valerie Plame’s office at the CIA, she testified this morning. But she herself did not “send him,” nor did she even “suggest or recommend” him for the trip.

What is the DOJ Scandal Really About?

Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales, as was revealed in new e-mails leaked to ABC, plotted to fire all 93 US Attorneys in 2005 and replace them with (their term in the e-mails) “loyal Bushies.” We now know that the litmus test that made a US Attorney a “loyal Bushie” was whether they took official action […]

Schumer: Gonzales to Go

We’re at the end game here, the longer they keep him now the more damage it will continue to do.

Rove and Gonzales, Not Miers, Started Purge of US Attorneys

When Gonzales was still White House counsel. Where did ABC get the unreleased e-mails? I think I have a guess:

A number of readers have pointed out that Karl Rove’s deputy at the White House, Scott Jennings, used an outside domain,, for his emails. The domain, it turns out, is owned by the Republican […]

How’s that “Surge” Thing Working Out?

War reporting, not just a TV piece with troops as a convenient backdrop.

BAGHDAD — The US-led convoy had been idling for at least an hour, waiting for a bomb squad to detonate a sizable haul of explosives uncovered in raids on the Eskan neighborhood of south Baghdad, a dense warren of narrow streets […]

4th Anniversary in 48 Hours

March 15 (Reuters) – Following are security developments in Iraq as of 0830 GMT on Thursday: * denotes a new or updated item.

* MOSUL – U.S. forces targeting al Qaeda militants in the northern city of Mosul killed one Iraqi soldier and wounded three after thinking they were insurgents, the U.S. military said in […]

Gonzales Got Bush To Kill Wiretapping Investigation – Of Himself

Murray Waas does it again.

Shortly before Attorney General Alberto Gonzales advised President Bush last year on whether to shut down a Justice Department inquiry regarding the administration’s warrantless domestic eavesdropping program, Gonzales learned that his own conduct would likely be a focus of the investigation, according to government records and interviews.

Bush personally intervened […]

Subpoenas Approved For Justice Officials

Leahy is pissed and apparently the negotiation meeting with the Administration people did not go well.


This is an incredible breakthrough towards proving what we all suspected. More later.