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Gonzales Hid Renzi Documents From Congress

Yet another US Attorney was improperly contacted by a Congressman under investigation, and despite dozens of requests Gonzales has always hidden the documentation. Gonzales should be summoned to the Hill and made to answer for this.

Tillmans, Jessica Lynch Stand Together Against Military Lies

This is overdue and also a great blow to Bush’s effort to “beat” Congress over the war funding bill.

Meanwhile in Iraq, continued

Ten American servicemen were killed in Iraq today.

April 23 (Reuters) – Following are security developments in Iraq as of 1600 GMT on Monday: * denotes new or updated item. * RAMADI – Three suicide car bombers killed 20 people and wounded 35 others in the Iraqi insurgent stronghold of Ramadi, 110 km (70 miles) […]

FDA Knew About Peanut Butter Contamination, Did NOTHING

And hogs set for human consumption have eaten melamine-contaminated food.

In the peanut butter case, an agency report shows that FDA inspectors checked into complaints about salmonella contamination in a ConAgra Foods factory in Georgia in 2005. But when company managers refused to provide documents the inspectors requested, the inspectors left and did not follow […]

DNA Frees 200th Innocent Prisoner

Chicago- He did 25 years for a crime (rape) he did not commit.

Buried Report on Haditha by Marine General Leaked

Washington Post.

All levels of command tended to view civilian casualties, even in significant numbers, as routine and as the natural and intended result of insurgent tactics,” Bargewell wrote. He condemned that approach because it could desensitize Marines to the welfare of noncombatants. “Statements made by the chain of command during interviews for this investigation, […]

Maliki Orders Halt of Baghdad Wall Construction

So the Americans and Iraqis are working side by side, together, again. The Surge® is going just great!

Karl Rove to Sheryl Crow: “Don’t Touch Me”, your new source for celebrity-laden political news. At least I get comments that way.

Rich Little’s Flop Rivals Gonzales’

Had more walkouts at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner than Stephen Colbert did last year during his “controversial” routine. Bush, who this very weekend is at the greatest crisis point of his entire Presidency, other than election day 2004, did however manage to exploit the Virginia Tech tragedy by using it as an excuse […]

Tim Griffin Given High Profile Case by DOJ

Kickbacks for government contracts in the IT world, involving Sun, Hewlett-Packard, and Accenture.

The lawsuits, filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas, allege that the three companies submitted false claims to the U.S. government on “numerous” government contracts since the late 1990s. The lawsuits, originally filed by Accenture employee Norman Rille […]