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Ashcroft Threatened to Resign Over Domestic Spying

An excellent column from Glenn Greenwald that attempts to deduce what happened in March 2004. What was the White House up to on domestic spying that was so explosive that the FBI Director was ordering FBI Agents to physically protect Ashcroft and Comey from Alberto Gonzales and Andrew Card? Why did Ashcroft, Comey, and the […]

Tigris: Graveyard River

Who did this to Iraq? Who is running for President who wants it to continue?

Every day local police haul bodies from the Tigris bearing signs of torture. Locals who live near the river constantly see floating bodies. The situation is even worse in Suwayrah, a southern area of the capital, where the government has […]

Gonzales: McNulty, Sampson Were “Not Top Aides”

So the Deputy Attorney General of the United States is not a top aide? Who is that under “Attorney General,” sitting above everyone else in the Dept. of Justice?

Jerry Falwell Dies

Interesting to note that this is the most famous image of him:

How Privacy Was Murdered in the United States

Comey tells Congress what really happened. Bush himself, while Ashcroft was barely conscious in a hospital bed, tried to use the Attorney General’s wife to persuade him to sign off on illegal domestic spying; Ashcroft wisely refused, while being confronted by Gonzales and Andrew Card, personally standing by his hospital bed.

Deadline for Democracy

Today is the deadline in Patrick Leahy’s only subpoena to date in the DOJ scandal. This subpoena demands the DOJ to produce every e-mail ever sent to or from any of Karl Rove’s e-mail addresses, both the legal and illegally used ones. If these are not produced it’s going straight to court, and there’s no […]

Bush Censors Civil Liberties Report Due to DOJ Scandal

This is one of the most blatantly outrageous abuses of power I have ever seen, so blatant that Joe Lieberman’s #1 defender quit the board in protest.

McNulty in Sudden Resignation

The Deputy Attorney General of the US has resigned. Will he tell the truth to Congress now, or is he going to try and take blame for Gonzales? I think the former is more likely than the latter.

Nixon at the Opry

On March 16, 1974, Richard Nixon had not been seen in any truly public setting for several months. His approval ratings were below thirty percent, gasoline prices were at record highs, and the US puppet government in Vietnam was a year away from its final collapse. Then, unexpectedly, he appeared, playing a shaky piano tune […]

Rove at Heart of DOJ Firings And Cover-Up

McClatchy, the Washington Post, and most importantly, National Journal, which has actually obtained some of the e-mails withheld from the public as part of the cover-up.