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Majority of Iraqi Parliament Calls for Timetables

For American troop withdrawals. That’s right, the majority of the Iraqi Parliament wants timetables for American troops to get out of Iraq, the very thing Bush just vetoed.

What Would He Have Been Ashamed Of?

Read this cryptic and intriguing statement made last night by the 9th fired US Attorney, Todd Graves.

Massive “Mystery” Explosions Rocks Cheney

But since he wasn’t killed, he openly does not give a shit about the origin or the results.

UPDATE: All personnel in Green Zone ordered to wear flak jackets and helmets at all times.

Indictment In Jimmie Lee Jackson’s Death

After 42 years.

DOJ Secret Order Released

Here it is, the secret order by Alberto Gonzales, illegally concealed from Congress and the American people for months, that gave two young political hacks the power to hire and fire almost anyone in the Justice Department, on secret orders from the White House. Why was it only released today, when its existence was first […]

US Helicopter Attacks Iraqi School

Seven children dead.

– Around 10.30 am , an American helicopter opened fire on a primary school at Al-Nida ( 9 km north west of Mendli )killing 7 pupils and injuring 3 other pupils with huge damage to the school building . Eyewitnesses confirmed this report while the American side said that they opened fire […]

Cheney In Green Zone

Desperate for his oil law to be passed, it’s the last gasp chance for the neocon pipe dream.

Iraq Mass Death Continues

Day after day with very little US news coverage.

DOJ Skipped Vetting To Hire Forger

Washington Post

C. Rice Approved Kickbacks to Saddam Hussein

While on the Chevron Public Policy Board.