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DOJ Inspector General Investigating Gonzales “Coaching” of Goodling

Confirmed to the Senate today.


He will not be allowed to stay free on appeal.

Leahy: “Missing” White House e-mails located

As he predicted, however the WH still has not turned them over. The admission of their existence makes it inevitable that Congress will get them.

State, Feds to Fine Man for Using Biofuel in His Car

Bandar Bush strikes again. Cheney is probably laughing his ass off reading this somewhere right now.

Golden Dome Minarets Destroyed

A repeat of 2006, this means there’s almost nothing left of one of the holiest shrines in Shia Islam. Sadr’s block has left the government again.


Tony Snow just pointedly denied that the White House ever claimed that the 9 US Attorneys were fired for performance reasons. This is of course an admission that they were not, and it means the President’s spokesman is directly contradicting Alberto Gonzales’ sworn testimony.

Via Danger Room: Iran-Iraq Rifle Connection Fizzles

Why am I not surprised?

Remember the flap about Iran supplying sniper rifles to the U.S.? Well, now you can forget it. Not a single one of the guns in question — Steyr-Mannlicher HS50 .50-cals — “has ever been documented as having been captured from Sunni insurgents or Shia militias in Iraq,” Bob Owen writes. […]

This is What Democracy Looks Like

She’ll have to answer about these e-mails.

Airstrike on Afghan Allies Kills 7

That’s a lot of people for an “accident.”

Rare Documentation of US Troops Shooting Iraqi Civilians

Just a small glimpse of the “collateral damage” the Pentagon will not tell us about. Is this the real reason for the new ban on showing wounded US soldiers in the media?