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Insurgents Destroy Third Major Bridge in 3 Days

I was going to post about this myself, but Larry Johnson explains the significance better than I could.

UPDATE: 7 bridges in two months. Today’s bridge was on a critical route between Baghdad and Diyala province hotspots, which cuts off reinforcements to Diyala, where there has been heavy fighting since the “surge” began.

Genarlow Wilson Not Released

Yesterday many folks celebrated the news that Genarlow Wilson, the victim of an outrageously harsh sentence, had been ordered released from prison. He hasn’t been released.

Bush Using Darfur Killers in Iraq

This is how your regime does things, Americans. Don’t hold your breath for “saving Darfur” as long as GWB is President.

Duke Briber’s Lawyer Stalling Case

This is novel, he refuses to submit to a background check in a CIA-related bribing case, so his defendant gets to remain on bail indefinitely. This pig Wilkes also was doing deals with John Doolittle and Jerry Lewis, GOP Reps who remain in office.

Privacy Chief Says Gonzales Made DOJ “Political Arm of the White House”

And this Bush appointee, who resigned in January in disgust, worked for Nixon, too, yet says he’s never seen anything like Bushco.

US Arming Sunni Insurgents as Alliance Falls Apart

Sounds like a bad idea, right? But don’t worry, the Washington Post informs us that the alliances these Sunnis have against al Qaeda are falling apart at the same time.

Legal Resident Ordered Freed; Court Stops Military Trial

No indefinite detentionw without trial: Al-Marri, a student who has been in a Naval brig in South Carolina since December 2001, cannot be held any longer as an “enemy combatant,” the court rules. This is another major legal blow against the illegal unconstitutional system set up largely by Alberto Gonzales.

US Soldiers Trapped Beneath Destroyed Bridge

Unknown number of casualties; this blocks the main supply route from Kuwait. Two sections of the bridge are now said to be destroyed.

Schlozman Suddenly Wants to Revise His Testimony

He must have seen this helpful ad:

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