It’s hard to comment on this. What can you add to what it says?
It’s hard to comment on this. What can you add to what it says? FBI Director Mueller testified to the House Judiciary Committee today, telling them that the March 10, 2004 confrontation was about the original or Presidentially-admitted “Terrorist Surveillance Program.” Gonzales is now triangulated by both credible witnesses and Republican-generated official documents from the Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, which prove he lied under oath on Tuesday. […] AND SCOTT JENNINGS – MORE LATER This is what happens when you make up wilder and wilder lies to save your own skin. You contradict documents that the Administration can no longer suppress for “national security” reasons. UPDATE: As explained here, Conyers with his contempt report today is laying the groundwork to completely trump bogus claims of “executive privilege” by turning […] The House Judiciary Committee just voted 22-17 to issue contempt citations to Harriet Miers, for refusing a legal subpoena to show in person before the Committee, and Josh Bolten, for refusing to bring legally subpoenaed documents to the Committee. Bush has announced that the Justice Department will not enforce any criminal contempt charges. This leaves […] Proof that Cheney has a pipeline into the decisions inside the Criminal Division of the Justice Department. Gonzales should be impeached immediately, he literally had no answer for this. Cheney should be impeached as well in order to get investigative authority to find out how he used this power. They’re going to go after him for perjury. Either a second domestic spying program will be revealed (proving Bush a liar on the whole subject) or Gonzales will be vulnerable to impeachment, since the Justice Dept. obviously won’t prosecute him for perjury. In order to avoid being caught in a previous lie, Alberto Gonzales has just confirmed that a second domestic spying program, NOT the “Terrorist Surveillance Program” that Bush has acknowledged, was at the heart of the hospital confrontation with John Ashcroft and James Comey. This is blockbuster news. This is a huge blow to Musharraf. He deserved it. Except at literally 3 o’clock in the morning in the US, and the footage comes from a British newspaper reporter. This is what’s really going on in Iraq. Send a link to the video below to everyone you know, it has hundreds of thousands of viewers and climbing daily. […] |
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