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$282 Million Bank Robbery in Baghdad

This is the “improved security” that Bush tried to claim in his press conference this morning.

The Hole in History

So Sara Taylor divulged all sorts of “privileged” interactions with her boss the President, yet cited an “Executive Privilege” letter from Fred Fielding whenever the questions got tough. Even Arlen Specter says that the White House as a whole is in contempt of Congress (he’d like to leave it at that, with a hollow complaint). […]

Miers Refusing to Show Up for Hearing Under Subpoena

This is not only an illegal act, it is also an illegal act to order someone not to show up. It’s a felony, and George W. Bush has just committed it. Unless of course she actually shows up tomorrow morning.

Attack on Green Zone Kills 3

LA Times – how long is the most expensive US embassy in history going to last before it’s blown apart by mortar (and soon, artillery) fire?


Funding of Cheney Cut Off by Durbin

Not a joke, this is a real move by Durbin and the result of a vote.

205th Innocent American Freed by DNA Evidence

He was in prison for a crime he did not commit for 22 years.

Moore Responds to CNN Hit Piece

Mike responds in less than 24 hours, point by point, with the facts. If you have not seen it, do not miss his smackdown of Wolf Blitzer from yesterday.

Red Mosque Attack Underway

A very frightening situation for the dictator as martyr-types challenge him, hoping to spark an Islamic revolution. If it works for them, count on Bush to send out Tony Snow, claiming that no one saw this coming.


Simultaneously Michael Moore explodes on Wolf Blitzer. We’re in for a wild week.

Remember, to kick it over No one will guide you, it’s Armagideon Time

More Signs of Real Cracks in Bush GOP Support

After meeting with 101st Airborne Families hit with another 15-month deployment for their loved ones, McConnell tells the media “Public opinion in a democracy is not irrelevant.” For a stalwart like Mitch to say the obvious is harder than pulling teeth.