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Into the Bunker

The White House attempts at blanket stonewalling of testimony under the claim of “executive privilege” (starting with witnesses Taylor and Miers) will fail. This failure will also undermine their unexplained attempts to withhold documents, too. In the end what Congress really wants are the e-mails anyway; they expect the witnesses to lie as a matter […]

Iraqi Army Has Mostly Deserted

It is as simple as that. If you never show up for combat duty, you’ve deserted, you’re not AWOL.


Washington Post– This is the ultimate test for Congress. If they do not stand up, then a dictatorship has been endorsed in the United States of America.

Rumsfeld Stopped Raid to Get Zawahri

What the hell is wrong with the people who run this country? What is the point in having a “war on terror” if you will not “get” Al Qaeda’s top leaders any way you can? Borat was right: “We salute your war of terror.” And by the way, back in Iraq, the “surge has” totally […]

The White House is Blind to Justice

You have to read the whole thing or even better, see it to get the true depth of this. (7/05/2007 press briefing link)

Q Scott, is Scooter Libby getting more than equal justice under the law? Is he getting special treatment?

MR. STANZEL: Well, I guess I don’t know what you mean by “equal justice […]

Poll – 54% Want Cheney Impeached – BEFORE Libby Jail Scam

This poll was taken before the commutation of Libby’s sentence. Also note their most recent poll showing 69% disapproval of that commutation. It’s extremely difficult to get 69% of Americans to agree on anything at all.

DC Madam Gets Phone Records Released

She’s blasting the ABC “whitewash” (and that is what it was) and vowing to bring down the Bush Administration, this could get interesting. There are 46 pounds of phone records.

Dallas “SiCKO” Viewers Inspired to Instant Action

This is why the film was made.

“Contractors” Outnumber US Troops in Iraq

T. Christian Miller tells us what no one else will. Most of these contractors are being totally screwed, too.

One Big Sewer

Here is another reason why I want no more Bushes – and no more Clintons– in the White House. And below is a good lesson in how not to defend a crime (obstruction of justice) that you just committed.