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I’ve talked very little about the Petraeus hearings because I assumed they would be an uneventful series of mostly unchallenged lies. I was quite wrong. Under withering questioning today, especially by John Warner and Chuck Hagel, both Republicans, Petraeus and Crocker virtually broke down today and admitted the war was a failure. This is not […]

Goldsmith Testimony Can Prove Gonzales’ Perjury

As I earlier speculated, this person agrees.

70% of Iraqis Say “Surge” Has Made Things Worse

Multiple news agencies conduct poll, and the result is 70% of the surveyed actual Iraqis themselves say that their security has become worse during the “surge” period.

Secret Report: Iraq Government “collapsing”

Why is this a secret report by the Congressional Research Service? Why are our soldiers dying with the nation in the dark about the context?

Larry Craig’s Resignation Was a Sham

This message was accidentally left on someone’s answering machine, says a news report, just before Craig’s “resignation.”