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This is video from Nance’s testimony, which was never carried on C-SPAN, thanks to TPM, a great website.

Blackwater Sniper Killed 3 at Random

Like the Washington Post, I’m having a hard time making up a headline for this absolutely enraging story.

Last Feb. 7, a sniper employed by Blackwater USA, the private security company, opened fire from the roof of the Iraqi Justice Ministry. The bullet tore through the head of a 23-year-old guard for the state-funded Iraqi […]


From unbelievably bad, to worse.


No link yet, this is very early news. But he’s indicted. Meanwhile good ol’ Rudy is still making excuses for him.

As shown here, Mukasey’s ties to Giuliani may result in a recusal from the case if Mukasey makes Attorney General. Will it make any difference to Chuck Schumer that Mukasey is tainted with a […]


On the national water projects bill that had been held up for many years. This is the first time a Bush veto has ever been overridden.

Pentagon Blocks Key Witness on Torture at Last Minute

This is the kind of thing that happens in a military dictatorship. One more reason why a record number of people say the country is on the “wrong track.”

17 Booby-Trapped Bodies Found in Iraqi River

What else is there to say after that headline. Knock yourself out in the comments.

Pakistan Update

It was not the Chief Justice who escaped, but instead Imran Khan, the cricket star and folk hero who is aligned with the lawyers’ movement.

Waterboarding-Expert Vet “Will Fight Back” Tomorrow

So we’re going to have two great witnesses in two different hearings tomorrow in Congress: Malcolm Nance, who has been linked to on this blog before, is a military man who has undergone waterboarding and performed it himself too, as part of torture-resistance training. And Mark Klein, the AT&T ‘switch room’ whistleblower, who inadvertently provided […]

House Close to Veto-Proof SCHIP Bill

Note the explanation of Bush’s motivation to veto:

Bush has said he will veto any version of the health insurance bill if it is funded by a tobacco tax increase, which is virtually certain under any revised plan. House and Senate Republican leaders have tried to keep enough colleagues in line to prevent a veto […]