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Springsteen Plays Troop Benefit

At the request of wounded then fired anchorman Bob Woodruff. Meanwhile Clear Channel effectively has a ban on playing Springsteen’s music, while monopolizing the radio that the average active-duty soldier can hear. Let’s compare this to the Eagles’ Wal-Mart-only release of their first album in 28 years.

Pakistani Chief Justice Escapes House Arrest

Chaudhry has escaped, or so I’ve heard. Updates coming.

Kerik Indictment Expected

The man that Bush chose to be the head of Homeland Security, to protect the elderly, the sick, the very young and the very old from attack, is about to be indicted for things that easily would have come up in a standard background investigation. Why did Bush and Giuliani insist on picking him in […]

Republicans in House BACK UP Kucinich Attempt to Impeach Cheney

That’s right folks, the GOP actually helped Kucinich by voting “not to table” Kucinich’s House Reolution to impeach Cheney. The reason? They are trying to exploit the split between the Democrat leadership (no-impeachment-Pelosi) and the rank and file, by forcing the Democrats to debate. They believe that it makes the Democrats “look bad” by debating […]

2.3 Million Iraqis Refugees in Their Own Land

This is a number equal to those displaced in Darfur. But in addition, about two million are estimated to have been driven outside of Iraq and are living in Syria, Jordan, etc. The dreaded Janjaweed is less effective at creating refugees than this man.

The deaths of 5 US soldiers this weekend, one from […]

Stewart Will Pay Striking “Daily Show” and Colbert Report” Writers

Out of his own pocket for up to two weeks. They won’t be writing however, gotta keep solidarity.

UPDATE: The story has been denied. I smell something rotten here, perhaps someone on the right is trying to exploit the strike by spreading rumors that will make Stewart the “bad guy” of an industry-wide strike.


There really is nothing else to say except THE SECRETARY OF STATE’S COUNSEL APPROVES OF WATERBOARDING AMERICAN CITIZENS why is one cent of my money going to these monsters?

Second Coup In Pakistan

Troops occupy the government television and radio stations. The others have been totally shut down. Bush has nothing to say.

“Get off the streets”


Gonzales fired him for trying to determine and report the truth.

“Waterboarding is Torture, Period.”

By a soldier who has done it and has been on the receiving end, too. This is a must-read.