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Inside Huckabee’s Push-Polling


Iran Says Pentagon Faked Hormuz Video-And They Did

Here’s a summary of what is now a mainstream news story all over the world. Here’s another version including video of Gates backtracking.

Six US Soldiers Die In Booby-Trapped House in Iraq

Because the “Surge is working,” you know. Wonder if John McCain can feel the surgerrific power of these men’s deaths as he plots his next political maneuver.

Iraqi Soldier Killed Two Americans, Wounded Three

On December 26, the day after Christmas. Funny how we didn’t hear of this until Sunday.

Judge Orders White House e-mail Backups to be Produced

Excellent summary of what is happening. The Judge has ordered the White House to cut through the bullshit and show whether these tapes contain the e-mails or not. Five million “missing” e-mails are about to be “found,” I think, which is what I predicted here in the past.

Blogger Andy Olmsted Dies In Iraq

Known as “G’Kar” on the internet, here is the post that he left behind to be published in the event of his death.

Iowa Totals

Via Hubris Sonic at Group News Blog, where Steve Gilliard’s legacy lives on:

Total Voter Turnout (approximate): 356,000

Percentage of total vote 24.5% Obama 20.5% Edwards 19.8% Clinton 11.4% Huckabee (R)

This is in a “swing state” that Bush barely won in 2004. The Democratic turnout was some 86% higher than 4 years ago. Was […]

Iowa Caucuses

I have no predictions, but it seems obvious to me that the most over-rated candidate on either side is John McCain, and the most under-rated is Edwards. I’m hoping for an Edwards win in Iowa.

9/11 Commission Says White House, CIA Guilty of “Obstruction.”

Their words, not mine. Read Greenwald’s piece on this.

Both legally and politically, it’s hard to imagine a more significant scandal than the President and Vice President deliberately obstructing the investigation of the 9/11 Commission by concealing and then destroying vital evidence which the Commission was seeking. Yet that’s exactly what the evidence at least […]